"When so rich a harvest is before us, why do we not gather it? All is in our hands if we will but use it."
- Elizabeth Ann Seton

A garden is a living entity subject to all the laws of nature & requires a level of commitment if it is to thrive. Any healthy working garden is kept so by a proper harvesting regiment...an overcrowded & over ripe garden can limit a plant's production. It is our duty to tend & harvest our ripened crop to ensure a healthy & sustainable garden. Just like pruning our flowering trees and shrubs produce more flowers, pruning our ripe vegetables will encourage more fruit and veggies.
Gardens left unattended will rot quicker, thus attracting unwanted pests & vermin that may feast on your unspoiled fruit and vegetables. A diligent harvesting schedule reduces stress on the plants & allows the less mature crops to thrive and continue produce. A properly harvested garden provides higher quality produce to use in the kitchen, adding a safe & fresh homegrown element to recipes.
There is almost nothing more rewarding than using fruit and vegetables that you grew and harvested yourself. If you need some ideas for fruit and vegetables that grow well in zone 7, check out my recipe page.